Dec 8, 2023

Overheating is one car problem we’d all prefer to avoid, but understanding it can help prevent those unexpected steamy surprises. If you’re having trouble with your car overheating, here are some tips from your Genesis dealer to deal with it.

Why Is Car Overheating the Ultimate Buzzkill?

Persistent overheating can lead to serious engine damage. Metals and seals in your engine aren’t fans of excessive heat. When they’re exposed to these high temperatures for extended periods, they can warp, melt, or get damaged. Not only is this harmful to your car, but the repairs can burn a hole in your pocket.

What’s Cooking My Genesis?

Low Coolant Level

Coolant is essential for maintaining the engine’s temperature, like refreshing iced tea on a hot summer day. If your coolant level is low, there’s a good chance your car will overheat.

Thermostat Issues

The thermostat in your car is what monitors the engine temperature. If your thermostat goes, it won’t matter if the rest of your system works perfectly because it won’t know that it’s needed.

Radiator Woes

A blocked or malfunctioning radiator can’t cool the engine effectively. It’s like having a fan that doesn’t spin: it’s there, but it’s not doing its job.

Water Pump Problems

This acts as the heart of the cooling system, circulating the coolant and sending it where it needs to go. A faulty pump means the coolant can’t move as it should.

What Do I Do If My Car Overheats?

Turn off the AC, because air conditioning puts extra strain on the engine. Open your windows instead, and crank up the heater. Turning on the heater can help pull heat away from the engine. Next, find a safe spot and pull over.

Turn off your engine and let it cool for at least 15 minutes. Don’t be tempted to open the hood if you see steam. It’s hot under there! Once the engine has cooled down, check the coolant level. If it’s low, topping it up might help. Remember, never open the radiator cap when the engine is hot!

Call Your Genesis Dealer

If the problem persists, it’s a good idea to call the dealership for help. We have the expertise to get to the root of the problem and make sure your car gets the TLC it needs.

The next time you see your temperature gauge inching towards the H, don’t sweat it! While overheating can be daunting, understanding its causes and how to handle it goes a long way. If you and your car need some expert help, call Genesis of Waipio and schedule a service appointment.

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